Community Artists
It is our honor to showcase local artists throughout the year. Stories behind the artwork, and the artists who create them, are an important part of our community fabric.
We are proud to present quilts by Martha Mosher (Interlaken, NY) from October 2022 - January 2023!
Artist Statement
My first sewing project was a pink tutu for ballet lessons. I was in grade school and it was sewn on a treadle machine. I have been sewing or doing handwork ever since.
In 1978, while living in east Lyme, Connecticut, I contracted Lyme Disease. My biggest problems involved my brain and I came out of it having trouble reading for comprehension and understanding numbers. I could do math, I just couldn't read the numbers and confused 9 and 3 for years.
I used needlework and piecing quilts to help me regain the skills I lost while fighting Lyme and to regain the part of Me that the disease had taken. Piecing complex quilts has been a way to relax and play with colors during the years I practiced retail pharmacy.
Special Event:
Martha will be speaking about her journey back from Lyme Disease using needlework and quilt piecing.
This Free event will be held on Saturday, November 19th at 11am at the Lodi Whittier Library.
Refreshments will be served. No registration needed. Please join us.

Martha's Artwork
Quilted by Debbie Gribble, Eureka, MT
Pattern: Fire Boland Hosta by Quiltworx
Handy-dyed cotton by Just Imagination
Commercial cottons

Quilted by Cathy Moore, Middleton, UT
Pattern: Glacier Star by Quiltworx
Commercial Batiks

Are you an Artist?
If you'd like to share your artwork (of any kind) and story with our community please contact us!
(Lodi insider tip: Beth is actually a folklorist and a card-carrying member of New York Folklore so she would love to learn about any traditional arts that are in your family. Have a favorite pickle recipe? Make fishing fly lures? Carve duck decoys? Have a favorite sugar bush? She'd love to know!)