About Us
The Lodi Whittier Library is a small library in the beautiful Finger Lakes Region of upstate NY. We are part of the Finger Lakes Library System and serve the residents of southern Seneca County and beyond. Established on August 15, 1898 with the formation of the Lodi Whittier Library Association, generations of Library Staff have proudly served our patrons for over 120 years. We welcome you to come be a part of our past - and our future!
Our Mission
The Lodi Whittier Library provides a safe and respectful environment for free and open access to a wide array of services, resources and programs in order to foster literacy, curiosity, personal growth and enrichment of community connections.
Our Vision
The Lodi Whittier Library will provide an essential community service to foster literacy, curiosity, personal growth and enrichment of community connections.
Laura Rowley grew up in Kendall, New York, a small town between Rochester and Buffalo. Laura studied at Wells College in Aurora where she discovered book arts: making books by hand, letterpress printing, and making handmade paper. Laura attended The University of Alabama and earned her Masters in Fine Arts, continuing her studies of book arts. After graduation, Laura worked at the Trumansburg Library while living with Ruth Kahn, an inspiring children's author. Laura also established Illuminated Press, a micro press that crafts books by hand and offers community education. Next, she worked at the Dutton S Peterson Library in Odessa assisting in programming, grant writing, and general library support. These experiences showed Laura the importance of public libraries as spaces for community to gather, learn, and cultivate joy together, which she is delighted to continue in Lodi.

Lou (they/them) started as programs coordinator at the beginning of November. Lou graduated from Elmira College earning a bachelor’s degree in Educational Studies this past May. During their time at Elmira, they gained valuable program experience working as a camp counselor and educator at Tanglewood Nature Center, and led art classes at their local YMCA. Lou is a versatile artist with a passion for exploring various mediums. They are so excited to bring their creativity and love for libraries to Lodi.
Beth (Buddle) Bevars grew up in neighboring Interlaken on Orchardland, her family's farm. She spent a great deal of time in her childhood eating any fruit that was in season in the orchards! She has fond memories of Luke and Lady, the Belgian draft horses who never quite learned to plow and of birthday parties in the backyard and on the National Forest. Childhood violin lessons led to a Music degree and an interest in historical homesteading and farming led to a master's degree in Folk Studies. Beth married a soldier, Mark, and spent many years traveling the country, and the world, as an Army wife. Along the way she enjoyed many adventures including raising Emily and Maggie, her two daughters.
Beth returned to the area in 2018 and was incredibly proud to be Director of the Lodi Library from 2019 until 2024. Her passion for supporting emergent and struggling readers, especially those with dyslexia, fits perfectly with the library's mission and she is thrilled to continue supporting our wonderful patrons as Literacy Hub Director. Beth now works full-time as Program Director for Teach My Kid to Read, a national not-for-profit working with Libraries to build Literacy Hubs based on the one we created right here in Lodi!
While she's not in the library as frequently these days, she's always available to email, zoom or meet you in Lodi to talk all things Literacy!
Lucy the LIbrary Dog is an Alliance of Therapy Dogs (ATD) certified therapy dog. The mission of ATD is to share smiles and joy with all people. Lucy can be called on to help shy readers gain confidence by reading aloud to her; she can visit classrooms to help facilitate discussions about many topics; she can help in times of stress or big changes in life; she can be a mascot or ambassador for groups in need. She loves people and gives great cuddles almost every day. Feel free to contact the library to request a visit at the library with Lucy!
Established in 1898, the Lodi Whittier Library is now located in the beautiful Elizabeth Garnsey Delavan building!
The Lodi Whittier Library was incorporated in 1898. After its original location in Vescelius Hall which burned in 1913, and eight subsequent temporary locations, a subscription drive raised the $1500 needed to build the Library a permanent home at 2155 East Seneca Street in Lodi. This building was dedicated in 1917.

A History of the Lodi Whittier Library on it's 100th Anniversary 1898 - 1998 by Alta E. Boyer Blohm: View Here
By the turn of the 21st century, it had become obvious that space was running out and a new Library was needed to fully support our community. In 2015, the Nelson B. Delavan Foundation expressed their support with an incredibly generous grant for a new library building. In appreciation for this generous donation, the new Library building was named in memory of Elizabeth Garnsey Delavan (wife of Nelson B. Delavan).
Since 1948, Elizabeth and Nelson Delavan made their home on the west side of Cayuga Lake. They dedicated their later years to supporting a wide variety of community projects and programs that contributed to the increased well-being and cultural enjoyment of people in the region.
With overwhelming support and donations, the local community also showed their faith in the project. The combination of the Delavan Foundation support and the support of the community allowed the Board to apply to the New York State Public Library Construction Grant Program for the remainder of the money needed to make this dream a reality.
Once the Construction Grant monies were secured, ground was broken in Spring 2016 and the building was dedicated in the Summer of 2017.

We invite you to come be a part of our second century serving the Community of Lodi!
Open Positions
There are no open positions at this time.
If you are interested in volunteering, please email director@lodilibrary.net to check for availability and to apply.
If you'd like to see some suggestions on ways you could volunteer, you might want to look here!
Photographs on this page were taken by Kateri Connolly Photography.